Verbal Bullying Body Shaming Behavior and Self-Confidence among Teenage Students in Indonesia
Background: Verbal bullying and body shaming are common phenomena among high school students. Verbal bullying can affect students’ confidence. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between verbal bullying, body shaming behavior, and student self-confidence. Methods: The study used a cross-sectional design, 267 students in one of the senior high schools in Sidoarjo, Indonesia were selected by cluster sampling. Bullying behavior was measured by the Adolescent Peer Relations Instrument (APRI) and the Objectivity Body Consciousness Scale (OBC). Those two variables were tested by the Spearmen Rho analysis test. Results: The results showed that most of the verbal bullying and body shaming behavior was in the moderate category (93.3%) while most of the high school students had low self-confidence (65.2%). The Spearmen Rho test indicated that the value of r= -0,230, ρ=0,001 (ρ<α=0,05), means that there is a low correlation between verbal bullying body shaming behavior, and self-confidence. Conclusions: The implication of this study shows that the higher verbal bullying and body shaming the lower the high school students’ self-confidence. There are many factors that can influence students to increase their self-confidence also to prevent verbal bullying and body shaming action, one of them is individual counseling which students take counseling together both with the teacher and the parents.
Bullying, Body Shaming, Self-ConfidenceDownloads
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