This study identified factors that contributed to the effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs and investigated the most effective antihypertensive drug in controlling blood pressure. The purposive sampling technique was used in this quasi-experimental design to enroll study participants. Of the 120 hypertensive patients following consultations at a district hospital of Oluvil, only 100 complied with the experiment. Following medical check-up, it was investigated that hypertension were controlled within 3 months affected by age, and gender. Gender, more probable were women, was primarily identified as a factor (p=0.002657); and age bracket of 30-40 years old was also identified as a factor to had helped control blood pressure (p=0.002107). Hypertensive drugs such as Calcium Channel Blockers (p=0.0008712), Angiotensin Receptor Antagonist (p=0.03983), and Angiotensin Converting Enzymes Inhibitors (p=0.04719) at normal dosages controlled blood pressures among Sri Lankan hypertensive patients.
Antihypertensive drug, Blood pressure, Hypertension, Pharmacology, Quasi-experimentalDownloads
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