
  • Feny Wartisa Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Health Science, STIKES Perintis Padang, Indonesia
  • Aldo Yuliano Mas Putra Department of Nursing Professionals, Faculty of Health Science, STIKES Perintis Padang, Indonesia



MSM (men having sex with men) is counted for almost 17% of new HIV infections in the world. It revealedof MSM prevalence with HIV infection in Indonesia increased 2.5 times since 2013. Meanwhile, HIV prevalence in West Sumatra with MSM 2018 recorded 36% on risk factors. Bukittinggi, one of the biggest cities in those areas, is having the highest incidence rate (18.1%) against the population ratio on HIV positive cases. Thisstudy aims to determine the association of biological factors, a history of a breakup with female partners, peers influence, parenting styles, family father figures, history of sexual violence, history of migration, and utilization of social media on men who have sex with men incidence. This analytical study onthe mixed-method methodologyapplied a cross-sectional approach involving 456 population which recruited 69 people as a research sample. Using snowball sampling, questionnaires were mediated as data accumulation which then was analyzed using the Spearman Rho test. It verified that biological factors (p=0.044, r=0.243) and a breaking up with women status (p=0.000, r = -0.558) indicated of MSM incidence. On the other hand, peer relations, parenting style, lack of father's role in the family, the history of sexual violence, migrating status, and social media exertion showed no significant relation to MSM incidents. Eventually, it should embroil the parents, teachers, and related agency's role to reduce the MSM stimulation in the community, and reciprocally will decrease the chain of HIV/AIDS transmission. 


Biological Factors, Bukittinggi, Heartbreak, MSM


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How to Cite

Feny Wartisa, & Aldo Yuliano Mas Putra. (2021). THE INCIDENCE OF BREAKING-UP WITH WOMEN ENGENDERS MEN HAVING SEX WITH MEN. Malaysian Journal of Medical Research (MJMR), 5(1), 31-37.
