Background: Infertility considered a traumatic event, and assisted reproductive technology is now a revolution for treatment. In vitro fertilization is a commonly performed procedure. Many factors affect the procedure success, including body mass index.
Aim: This study aimed to explore the relationship between body mass index &in Vitro fertilization success.
Subject & methods: Descriptive co relational design prospectively investigated 100 women who underwent in vitro fertilization with age from 25 - 35 years, selected upon the basis of the defined criteria. Women were classified into groups according to body mass index, i.e., (underweight n=5), (normal-weight n=9), (overweight n=36), (obese I n=32), (obese II n=14), and (obese III n=4). Then, body mass index, related variations in cycle parameters and clinical pregnancy rates of women were investigated.
Results: Current research shows that 81% of women had primary infertility. Doses of drugs for ovulation induction, ovulation induction cycles, and chemical pregnancy rate were found to be negatively affected by body mass index. Higher implantation rates were associated with normal body weight. Clinical pregnancy rates were lower in the obesity grade III than in other groups.
Conclusion: Current study evaluated the relationship between body mass index and in vitro fertilization success portraying that clinical pregnancy rates are significantly lower with obesity grade III than in the other groups.
Body mass index, Success rate, In vitro fertilizationDownloads
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