
  • Nina Pamela Sari Faculty of Health Science, University of Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
  • Neti Juniarti Faculty of Nursing Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Desy Indra Yani Faculty of Nursing Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia



Tuberculosis (TB) now still become the world's health problems. The incidence of TB was also increasing in Indonesia, resulting in Indonesia currently ranks third in the world number of TB patients so that efforts from the government and various parties was very important to tackle TB in Indonesia. The high prevalence of TB in Indonesia was a challenge for health workers to cope with TB. Observer TB was the forefront of TB treatment settlement, so a guide for the observer was required to complete its tasks thoroughly. However, there are no comprehensive TB guidelines yet in Tasikmalaya City so qualitative research to explore how the development of observer guidelines was needed. The design of this study is descriptive explorative qualitative research with indeepth interview to participants who understand the development of observers guidelines for TB patients. Selection of participants using purposive sampling technique, based on inclusion criteria found as many as twelve participants. The research instrument used semi-structured interview guide which was done with in-depth interview technique, one month research time, data analysis using (Braun and Clarke Theory 2006). The research results obtained three themes, namely: increasing the problem of TB prevention in Tasikmalaya City, optimizing the task of observers, and comprehensive guidance for optimizing the role of observers. The conclusions of this study were the findings based on the participants' opinions on the guidelines of comprehensive drug swallowing supervisors including explanation of observers tasks, TB information for observers, ways of preventing and handling TB, handling side effects, as a remedy for taking medicine with check list and when to take medication. The guidelines according to the participants was packaged in a simple, not complicated but cover all what is in the observers guidelines.


Guidelines, Observers, Tuberculosis


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How to Cite

Nina Pamela Sari, Neti Juniarti, & Desy Indra Yani. (2020). DEVELOPMENT OF GUIDELINES FOR OBSERVER TUBERCULOSIS PATIENTS IN TASIKMALAYA CITY, INDONESIA. Malaysian Journal of Medical Research (MJMR), 4(3), 15-25.
