The present world of marketing is characterized by several attributes including global cut-throat competition. To combat the threats of this overgrowing competition, marketers are resorting to multi-channel advertising and promotional measures. One such relatively new and extensively used method of promotion is Viral Marketing. Viral marketing is the diffusion of product or service related information over the internet at an exponential speed through e-mails, social networking sites, company websites, mobile messages, blogs, tweets etc. The term ‘viral’ is used to denote the high speed at which the message spreads. This concept is also popularly called electronic Word of Mouth (e-WOM) marketing. Here, even the people unrelated with the original source may take active part in spreading the message without having any direct benefit or advantage from such message spreading activity. The authors, in this paper have tried to throw light on the factors which influence Viral Marketing and have also tried to study the perception of the Youth about Viral marketing campaigns and the effect of Viral marketing on Consumer Purchasing decisions.
Viral Marketing, e-WOM, Message CredibilityDownloads
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