Assessment of Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Preventive Guidelines for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Background: Sudden infant death syndrome constitutes one of the most prevalent reasons for mortality within the first year of life, although there are still challenges to prevention, and the underlying mechanisms causing sudden death are not known. Although SIDS has been discovered worldwide since 1960, it is still poorly understood in Iraq, possibly due to a lack of research on the syndrome and the substantial modifications in safe sleeping practices from generation to generation. In light of these considerations, this research was conducted to improve the nurses' knowledge of SIDS prevention guidelines and to ascertain the relationship between their knowledge and socioeconomic factors. Methods: A purposive sample of fifty nurses employed in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) from the Central Paediatric Teaching Hospital in Al-Karkh and The Children's Welfare Teaching Hospitals in Medical City, Baghdad, Iraq, was chosen for the research. The study duration was from September 14, 2023, to January 14, 2024. To collect data, the investigators employed self-reported questionnaires that they devised after reviewing relevant articles and previous studies. The SPSS version 26.0 was used to analyse the data. Results: The findings of this research investigated that most of the participants were females with a nursing institute within the age range of 20 or younger than 30. The majority remained unmarried and had been working in the NICU for under 5 years. Furthermore, the majority of the participating nurses weren't involved in any education courses about sudden infant death syndrome. Conclusion: The present research concluded that most of the nurses had a poor to a fair level of knowledge regarding preventive guidelines for sudden infant death syndrome. Moreover, a significant relationship was found between nurses' knowledge and their age and sex. However, no statistically significant correlation was identified between nurses' knowledge and other variables, including years of experience, marital status, nursing qualifications, or attendance at training courses.
Knowledge, Nurses, Preventive Guidelines, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)Downloads
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