The Relationship between Quality of Sleep with Hypertension Rate in among Elderly


  • R. Bayu Kusumah Department of Nursing, STIKES Sukabumi, Jawa Barat 43122, Indonesia
  • Adi Saepul Anwar Department of Nursing, STIKES Sukabumi, Jawa Barat 43122, Indonesia
  • Yanti Cahyati Department of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat 46115, Indonesia



Background: The quality of sleep is a crucial determinant of overall health and well-being, particularly among the elderly population. A person who has reached the age of 60 is considered to be elderly. One of Indonesia's indices of human development is the increase in life expectancy. Several factors, including irregular sleep, a lack of exercise, and stress, contribute to the recurrence of hypertension in the elderly with elevated blood pressure symptoms. Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure in the arteries. Hyper means excessive pressure or tension. Hypertension is a blood pressure or heart rate that is higher than normal because of narrowing arteries or other disorders. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between sleep quality and the recurrence rate of hypertension in the elderly. Methods: The research design is correlational, using cross-sectional methods. The study randomly selected 83 participants from the population of all hypertension patients in the working area of the Jampangkulon Health Centre in the Sukabumi Regency. The univariate and bivariate data analyses employed the chi-square test. Results: The results showed that the P value of 0.000, which means <0.05, indicates a relationship between sleep quality and the recurrence rate of hypertension in the elderly in the working area of the Jampangkulon Health Centre, Sukabumi Regency. Conclusion: The study results indicate that there is a relationship between sleep quality and the rate of recurrence of hypertension in the elderly. The present study will help elderly individuals who experience recurrences of hypertension to maintain and improve their healthcare to achieve optimal health. 


Elderly, Hypertension, Sleep Quality



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How to Cite

Kusumah , R. B. ., Anwar, A. S. ., & Cahyati, Y. (2024). The Relationship between Quality of Sleep with Hypertension Rate in among Elderly. The Malaysian Journal of Nursing (MJN), 16(1), 27-33.