The Effect of Web-Based Education Programs on Self-Efficacy and Self-Care Behavior in Quality of Life Among Diabetic Type 2 Patients in Public Hospital
Background: Currently, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus is a serious concern on a global scale. Most type 2 diabetes cases are the result of many factors that also lead to metabolic problems with a wide range of consequences.
Objective: This study aims to identify the effects of web-based educational programs on diabetic self-efficacy management (DSEM) and diabetic self-care behavior management (DSCM) in quality of life (QoL) among type 2 diabetes patients in public hospitals.
Method: This study used a quantitative quasi-experimental design with a pre-test and post-test. The Diabetic-N-Care program was conducted at Orthopedic Clinic Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah Kuala Terengganu for 34 days, where purposive sampling involved type 2 diabetic patients who were divided into intervention groups (IG) (n = 60) and control groups (CG) (n = 60). Respondents are the same individuals for each phase of measurement.
Results: The general linear model repeated measures ANOVA, split-plot ANOVA (SPANOVA), and paired t-test were conducted on 120 patients to see the effect of using Diabetic-N-Care on IG. The results of the split- plot ANOVA analysis showed a significant overall effect of DSEM, DSCM, and QoL (p = 0.000) on IG. Meanwhile, in paired t-test analysis, there was a significant mean difference in DSEM, DSCM, and QoL at pre-test and post-test (p = 0.000) for IG compared to CG.
Conclusion: Web-based health education can have an impact on DSEM and DSCM in the QoL of type 2 diabetic patients where there is greater confidence to change the old behavior to a new behavior to improve quality of life in the long term. Therefore, this study concludes that web-based methods such as Diabetic-N-Care need to be widely adapted into current health education methods.
Web-based, Diabetic Self-Efficacy Management, Diabetic Self-Care Behavior Management, Quality of LifeDownloads
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