Background: In Malaysia, the presence of smartphones and gadgets in any situation leads to addiction in social media. Lack of self-regulation of smartphones usage for some students will turn out to be the factor that affects their academic performance the most. Objective: To determine the effect of social media addiction on academic performance among nursing students. Methods: A descriptive and quantitative cross-sectional study design using self-administered questionnaires was conducted among 141 diploma and degree nursing students in Faculty of Health Sciences, UiTM. In the study, the “Social Media Addiction Scale- Student Form” and the CGPA achievement of the students were used. Results: From this study, it was seen that students had a high level of addictiveness (M=86.40, SD=13.78). Majority of the students have high CGPA achievement for each semester. Instagram 44 (31.2%) become the platform that students are more exposed. There is no significance difference between social media addiction and academic performance as determined by Kruskal Wallis test, p= 0.830. Conclusion: It can be concluded that, social media did not give a negative effect on the students’ academic performance. This is because some students’ performance still remains the same even though they were addicted with social media platforms. It would be better if more universities were included in future studies to prove the relation between social media addiction and academic performance among different nursing students.
Effect of Social Media, Addiction, Academic Performance, Nursing StudentsDownloads
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