The hospitality industry is exposed to many calamities and emergencies resulting from natural disasters and human faults or irresponsible attitude. The ascending number of emergencies refers to a shortage in emergency management policies, and the need to update emergency procedures and techniques to avoid losses in people-oriented businesses. If emergencies are not controlled, averted, or managed, destinations and hospitality organizations can experience disastrous effects. Therefore, this paper aims to provide a framework for emergency management that is based on statistical process control (SPC), which is considered as a collection of powerful problem-solving tools effective in achieving process stability and improving capability through the reduction of work-related problems. In addition, SPC tools will help in understanding the process streaming. This paper is considered a case study research paper which is conducted in an Italian Restaurant in Washington D.C. metropolitan area in the USA. In this paper, the principle of triangulation for determining validity and reliability was applied to a wide range of data collection methods. This study provides a new approach in managing emergencies that strike the hospitality industry. The introduced SPC-based emergency management framework is applicable to be used as a proactive approach in planning and managing emergencies affecting hospitality business operations. Subsequently, managers can handle emergencies effectively by applying such techniques.
Hospitality Industry, Vulnerability, Statistical Process Control, Emergency ManagementDownloads
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