Geodiversity as a Driver of Tourism: A study of Sri Lankan Geological Heritage


  • P.K.U Perera Uva Wellassa University, Passara Road, 90000 Badulla, Sri Lanka
  • H.L.N Wasantha Uva Wellassa University, Passara Road, 90000 Badulla, Sri Lanka



Tourism development is increasingly recognising geodiversity, which encompasses a variety of geological formations, landforms, and associated ecosystems, as a critical factor. Using a qualitative approach, this research study examined how geodiversity serves as a pull motivation for tourists, shapes their perceptions, and plays a role in the activities and experiences associated with geotourism. Data were collected through in-depth interviews had with tourists who were selected using purposive and snowball sampling, and those collected data were analysed using thematic analysis technique to uncover key insights. The findings revealed that the geodiversity of Sri Lanka is a significant motivational factor for tourists, offering unique geological features such as Adam’s Peak, Horton Plains, and Sigiriya, which integrate natural beauty with cultural narratives. During the data analysis, it was observed that tourists highlighted strong emotional connections to these sites, with awe and wonder emerging as recurring themes. However, the study also identifies gaps in tourists’ pre-visit awareness, highlighting the need for targeted educational and promotional initiatives. Further, geodiversity enables a range of activities, varying from adventure tourism and ecotourism to cultural exploration, while enhancing the overall tourist experience. This study pointed out the potential of geodiversity to diversify the tourism offering of Sri Lanka, attract niche markets, and promote sustainable development. Key recommendations include improving geoconservation practices, leveraging digital marketing and visual storytelling, and fostering collaborative efforts among stakeholders. By aligning geotourism strategies with global sustainable goals, Sri Lanka can position itself as a premier geotourism destination. The research contributes to the wide understanding of geotourism by exploring how geodiversity can be managed effectively and integrated into tourism planning and development. It also highlights the importance of balancing economic benefits with ecological and cultural preservation.


Geodiversity, Geotourism, Sustainable Tourism, Tourist Experiences, Tourism Promotion


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How to Cite

Perera, P. ., & Wasantha, H. . (2025). Geodiversity as a Driver of Tourism: A study of Sri Lankan Geological Heritage. International Journal on Recent Trends in Business and Tourism (IJRTBT), 9(1), 43-57.
