
  • Mustak Ahamed University of Burdwan, India


Rural tourism is a new procedure of activity that can fetch economic and socio-cultural welfares of the rural communities. In West Bengal, a province (state) of India, rural tourism in its true procedure is relatively innovative. Any way of rural tourism that exhibits the rural life style, culture, art and heritage at the rural areas, by that means profiting the people socially and economically. Rural tourism can make complete utilization of tourism resources in rural areas to regulate and enhance rural industrial structures, outspread the agricultural industrial chain, endorse non-agricultural employment, develop rural tourism services, intensify the income of farmers and rural people, and generate a better economic foundation for the advanced rural infrastructural development. Rural tourism can help to change our society in various aspects. The rural residents have a possibility and potential to present a very enjoyable and exhilarating change from traditional tourism which tourists are locating jaded and therefore have began inspecting new vistas of adventure and gathering knowledge. Rural tourism faces various challenges internally and externally. This study covers the positive impacts of the rural tourism and those impacts act as vehicle for socio-economic development of the rural communities of West Bengal.


Tourism, Tourist, Rural Tourism, West Bengal, Vehicle, Socio-Economic Development, Rural Community


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How to Cite

Mustak Ahamed. (2018). RURAL TOURISM IN WEST BENGAL (INDIA): A VEHICLE FOR SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL COMMUNITY. International Journal on Recent Trends in Business and Tourism (IJRTBT), 2(3), 84-91. Retrieved from
