Influencing Factors of Micro Finance Institute on Innovative Entrepreneurship Growth: In Case of West Guji Zone Bule Hora Woreda
The study aims at the Micro Financial Institute on Innovative Entrepreneurship growth: The case of Bule Hora Woreda Ethiopia, data analysis using (SPSS version 23) to be used during the study time. The research philosophy of research Paradigms has designed Quantitative and Deductive research approach, the data analyses with Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), to analysis Correlation Matrix of Significant P- Value tested, KMO, Communalities, Average variance Extracted, Rotated Component Matrix, Scree plot component number, Component rotated space and to test Convergent construct validity and Discriminant Reliability to test Cronbach alpha result of Exploratory Factor Analyze to measure statistical methods to use, date techniques and to measure used probability sampling technique that used the Stradd from Members of Micro Finance Service, Construction member, Trade and urban Agriculture in West Guji zone Bule Hora woreda and additionally, from Woredas Micro Finance Service Officer, Budget planer was targeted population of this study and in quantitative research design that measure based on the literature theory to used, the probability sampling techniques that analyzed the procedure that the researcher would adopt. Totally from unknown population 384 total respondents distributed the questionnaire.
Micro Finance Institute, Innovative Entrepreneurship Growth, Entrepreneurship Awareness, Financial Factors, Locational Influential Factors, Transformational EntrepreneurDownloads
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