The Overview of Culinary Tourism in Yogyakarta City from the Perspective of Experiential Value
As basic human needs, food and drink are vital and interesting things to study, especially concerning one's motivation to visit a tourist destination. This is what encourages the formation of culinary tourism (food tourism) terminology. In dealing with the development of culinary tourism in a destination, it is also necessary to study how the experiential values in culinary tourism activities. Therefore, by using a quantitative descriptive approach and collecting 100 responses from those who have had a culinary tour in Yogyakarta City in the period 2019-2022, it was found that Yogyakarta City in general has a very good index in the CROI element (90.4%), Service Quality (82.7%), Aesthetic (80.4%), and a good index on the Playfulness element (74.6%). The implication of the findings is the need for an in-depth evaluation of playfulness elements and efforts to maximize each indicator on CROI, Service Quality, and Aesthetic elements.
Food Tourism, Culinary Tourism, Experiential Value, Experiential TourismDownloads
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