
  • Sofia Februanti Health Polytechnic at the Tasikmalaya Ministry of Health, Indonesia
  • Tetet Kartilah Health Polytechnic at the Tasikmalaya Ministry of Health, Indonesia



Background: Children are investments and hopes for the future of the nation. However, there are still many problems faced by girl child today, especially in Indonesia.

Objective: This study aims to determine social support for girls who are victims of sexual violence.

Method: This study uses qualitative research methods with an in-depth interview approach with audio recordings, field notes, documentation. Sampling using purposive sampling technique that fits the inclusion criteria. The interviews were recorded and made word-for-word transcriptions. Data were analyzed using the phenomenological method developed by Colaizzi.

Results: The results showed that there were seven themes, social-emotional support, social appreciation support, social instrumental support, social information support, support for social environment groups, family barriers and social environment, as well as the role of community health centers and health department heads in dealing with cases of sexual violence in children.

Conclusion: The social environment is needed by girls who are victims of sexual violence to help with their rehabilitation and survival.


Social Support for Girls, Victims, Sexual Violence among Children


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How to Cite

Sofia Februanti, & Tetet Kartilah. (2019). SOCIAL SUPPORT IN VICTIMS OF CHILDREN OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE. The Malaysian Journal of Nursing (MJN), 10(4), 100-106.
