Background: There is a marked increase in the number of older populations all over the world in recent years, and this progress is projected to accelerate in the physical, psychological, social, and economic problems that affect negatively on their quality of life. Aim: The present study was aimed to explore the associations between quality of life and self-rated health and social support among the older adult population in the Saudi Community. Methods: A cross-sectional and correlational descriptive designs were used. The study sample included 200 older adults who were aged 60 years and above. This study was conducted in different public places in the Western region of Riyadh city - Saudi Arabia such as shopping malls, and mosques. Data was collected through a survey by the self-report questionnaire that included five tools (1) Socio-demographic characteristics and medical health status, (2)Activities of Daily Living and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scales, (3)World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL) scale, (4)Self-Rated Health (SRH) questions and (5)Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS). Pearson correlation coefficient and logistic regression were used in statistical analyses. Results: The findings revealed a negative association between quality of life and older adults' age as well as the number of chronic illnesses. Moreover, there was a positive association between quality of life and patient's gender, marital status, levels of education, patterns of living arrangement, types of care providers, family income sufficiency, functional capacity, self-rated health, and social support. Meanwhile, there is no association between quality of life and older adults' nationality. Conclusion: Chronic illness, social support and age were the greatest significant predictors that have the highest influence on the QOL, while the level of education and family income sufficiency were the lowest significant predictors that have a low influence on the QOL of the older adult participants. Recommendations: The study help to develop prospective intervention strategies that deliver primary health care and early intervention for an older adult and their family caregivers can increase control over the predictors which have a direct influence on the quality of life of the older adults.
Quality of life, Self-Rated Health, Social Support, Older AdultsDownloads
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