
  • Tengku Isni Yuli Lestari Putri Master Program of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, University of Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Ahsan Medical Faculty, Universitas of Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Dhelya Widasmara Medical Faculty, Universitas of Brawijaya, Indonesia



Background: Pathological conditions that occur in the brain as the result of brain tissue damage may cause changes in brain function. The severity level of brain tissue damage being the description of head injury. Therefore, this requires initial assessment to predict the impairment of head injury patients by using GAP. Purpose: This study aims to understand the accuracy of GAP in predicting impairment head injury patients. Method: This study used analytical observational design with retrospective approach. Total respondents in this study were 245 patients with medical records of head injury. Measurements were conducted by using observation sheet. Data were analyzed using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC). Results: The results showed that AUC values of GAP were 0.806 which explained that GAP had good value of discrimination against impairment of head injury patients. Conclusion: GAP could predict the outcome of head injury patients.



Head Injury, GAP, Impairment


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How to Cite

Tengku Isni Yuli Lestari Putri, Ahsan, & Dhelya Widasmara. (2019). GLASGOW COMA SCALE, AGE AND SYSTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE (GAP) AS IMPAIRMENT PREDICTOR OF HEAD INJURY PATIENTS. The Malaysian Journal of Nursing (MJN), 11(1), 57-62.
