
  • Huang Yang Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology, PR of China




In recent decades, China’s population structure has undergone sharp changes. This is due to the reasons like one child policy, various changes of lifestyle and rapid development of economy that lead to the gradual increase in the number of old individuals. So, the demands and big challenges for age care service are increasing day to day in China. The ageing population will have negative influences on Chinese economy and society due to a less productive work force and increased expenditure on welfare provisions. Currently, on account of aging population in China the government had introduced its national strategy to satisfy their demand of the health, medical service and pension.


Ageing Population, Senior Citizens, Health Status, Nursing Care, Pension


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How to Cite

Huang Yang. (2019). DISCUSSION ON NURSING CARE BASED ON CHINA’S AGEING POPULATION. The Malaysian Journal of Nursing (MJN), 10(4), 44-47. https://doi.org/10.31674/mjn.2019.v10i04.007
