Background: Leader nurses and nurses are the acceptors of a nursing delegation from the chief nurse as a form of nursing management through nursing delegation. The 'Relactor' Nursing Delegation Model (MDK’R’) is one of the nursing delegation models in nursing management. Objective: The study was aimed to find out the implementation of MDK’R’ by the delegated nurse in some components including responsibility, accountability, and authority at Semarang’s hospital. Method: It was a descriptive quantitative study. The instrument used was a set of questionnaires which passed the validity and reliability test with r calculate >r table. The subject of the study was 73 nursing delegation acceptors consisting of 11 male nurses and 62 female nurses. The study was conducted at 3 inpatient wards of a hospital in Semarang. Result: The study found that the implementation of MDK’R’ by the of the three components; responsibility, accountability, and authority showed that the implemented responsibility was good enough with 67.1%, the implementation of accountability was good with 89%, and the implementation of authority was good with 47.9%. Conclusion: This study showed that the implementation of MDK’R’ by the nurses accepting nursing delegation in terms of responsibility, accountability, and authority was scored as good.
MDK’R’, Implementation of MDK’R’, MDK’R’ accepting nurseDownloads
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