Interventions to Improve Medication Adherence in Hypertensive Patients: A Bibliometric Analysis
Background: Hypertension is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease, stroke, kidney disease, and global mortality. Adherence to medication is essential to control blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Therefore, effective interventions to improve medication adherence are essential. Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify interventions to improve hypertension treatment adherence by analysing network visualisation, overlay visualisation, and density visualisation on topics through bibliometric analysis. Methods: The data sources used in this study are based on online searches through dimensions. AI The literature search used stages following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flowchart. Articles published between 2022 and 2024. Field of study focuses on health science, health services, public health, nursing, and health systems. Accepted document types are articles. Research topics address interventions to improve hypertension treatment adherence, including digital technology, patient education, health literacy, psychological approaches, family participation, and health worker interventions. Articles were identified using the platform according to the main keywords: hypertension, interventions to improve, and medication adherence. Data were analysed using VOSviewer. Results: To improve hypertension medication adherence, healthcare providers need to improve patients' literacy and knowledge about their disease. The use of technologies such as mHealth, telemedicine, eHealth, text messaging, and WeChat has been shown to be effective in improving medication adherence. In addition, motivation and psychological services can also help improve medication adherence. Education and counselling from pharmacists, nurses, doctors, and community health workers, as well as telephone support, also play an important role. Family participation can further support the improvement of antihypertensive medication adherence. Conclusion: After identifying the clusters, the types of interventions that can improve hypertension treatment adherence are patient education and health literacy, use of technology, psychological approaches, health professional interventions, and family participation.
Bibliometric, Hypertension, Interventions to Improve, Medication AdherenceDownloads
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