Relationship between Demographic Factors and Entrepreneurial Competencies among Healthcare Nurses


  • Amany Ahmed Abdrbo Department of Nursing, Almoosa College of Health Sciences, 31982 Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia
  • Salwa Hassanein Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University, Giza Governorate 12613, Egypt
  • Somaya Ahmed Bayoumy Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University, 12613 Giza Governorate, Egypt ; School of Nursing, Badr University in Cairo, 11829 Cairo Governorate, Egypt



Background: As global socioeconomic pressures increase, particularly in healthcare, nurses need entrepreneurial competencies to adapt to growing demands. However, these competencies have not been widely recognised in nursing, especially in Saudi Arabia. Objective: This study aimed to assess the relationship between demographic factors and entrepreneurial competencies among nurses in Saudi Arabia. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional correlational study was conducted using the snowball sampling technique. Nurses from a tertiary hospital were recruited, and data were collected via an online survey. The survey measured entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurship competencies such as self-confidence, control-oriented behaviour, opportunity utilisation, determination, innovativeness, and risk-bearing. The statistical analysis was used to identify significant differences based on demographic factors. Descriptive statistics, T-tests, ANOVA, and correlation analyses examine relationships between demographics, entrepreneurship competencies, and intention. Results: Nurses displayed moderate to high levels of entrepreneurship competencies. Significant differences were found in competencies based on nationality, management position, management training, employment status, and future self-employment intentions (p<0.05). Additionally, certain competencies varied with marital status, income level, age, years of experience, and having children (p<0.05). Higher entrepreneurship competencies were positively associated with the desire to start a business. Conclusion: The findings highlight the need to foster entrepreneurial competencies among nurses in Saudi Arabia. Future entrepreneurial potential can be enhanced by strengthening management training, fostering diversity, cultivating supportive environments, and nurturing forward-thinking mindsets.


Demographic Factors, Entrepreneurial Competencies, Healthcare Nurses


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How to Cite

Abdrbo, A. A. ., Hassanein, S. ., & Bayoumy, S. A. . (2025). Relationship between Demographic Factors and Entrepreneurial Competencies among Healthcare Nurses . The Malaysian Journal of Nursing (MJN), 16(3), 192-204.
