Transcendental Regulation Breastfeeding: A Bibliometrics Analysis
Breastfeeding is a public health problem that has a major influence on the growth and development of babies, in addition to the mother herself. Dairy bioactivity refers to the unique health effects of milk components that extend beyond nutrition. This systematic investigation of the elements and their impact on health, as demonstrated by empirical evidence, carefully regulated experiments, and logical reasoning, is the science of dairy bioactivity. Conversely, "belief in milk bioactivity" refers to individual interpretations, meanings, expectations, beliefs, and attitudes about the effects on health that go beyond the understanding of natural, social, or human sciences. The objective of this study is to determine the trend in the number of publications on the transcendental regulation of breastfeeding, the number of citations, and the direction of future research topics. This study employs the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) research method, utilizing 229 scientific articles or proceedings from the Dimensions data. Review articles were analysed using the VOSviewer application. The current study reveals three primary findings: a surge in publications on the subject of transcendental regulation of breastfeeding, an increase in citations related to this topic, and a network visualisation of this topic, which offers insights into unexplored topics.
Breastfeeding, Bibliometrics, Transcendental RegulationDownloads
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