Developing Knowledge of Sexual and Reproductive Health Among Adolescent Girls Through a Peer Mentoring Approach in Nursing
Background: The level of knowledge about sexual and reproductive health remains limited in Indonesia. Nurses as educators facilitate adolescents in understanding the information about reproductive health, such as myths during menstruation, unplanned pregnancies, and sexually transmitted diseases. As a result, the information obtained will not be misinterpreted. Objective: This research aims to increase the knowledge of adolescent girls about sexual and reproductive health using a peer mentoring approach. Methods: This is a quasi-experimental quantitative research study with a pre-test and post-test one-group design. The participants were chosen using the total sample technique, obtained from 35 students aged 10-18 who attended the Andalusia Batam Islamic School. Mentoring is carried out by mentors who have received previous training for 1 month for 4 meetings. Questionnaires were given before and after the intervention to assess knowledge levels of students. The data was processed using the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality, and then the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was carried out to see the effect of the interventions. Results: The level of knowledge before the intervention was in the low category of 77.1% (n=27) and the medium category of 22.9% (n=8). Meanwhile, after the intervention, the level of knowledge in the low category was 28.6% (n=10), and the medium category increased to 71.4% (n=25). A statistically significant influence of education was observed when using the peer approach method, along with an improvement in the knowledge of adolescent girls, with a p-value of 0.001. Conclusion: The peer mentoring approach has proven effective in increasing adolescent girls’ knowledge of sensitive themes related to sexual and reproductive health. This suggests that adding peer mentoring to adolescent health education can boost awareness and improve health outcomes.
Adolescent Girls, Knowledge Level, Peer Mentoring, Reproductive HealthDownloads
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