Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance among Nursing University Students
Background: Emotional Intelligence (EI) plays a noteworthy part in a person's academic, professional success. Students’ academic performance is a crucial goal in developing educational programs. Objectives: The current study examined the Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance among Nursing University Students. Methods: A cross-sectional design was used. All registered four-year undergraduate nursing students of the faculty of nursing at Badr University in Cairo were included. Schutte’s Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) (1998) was used. Results: The findings indicated no statistically significant association between emotional intelligence and variables such as gender or students' place of residence. However, a statistically significant correlation was observed between EI and both general health status and Grade Point Average of the students. This suggests that improved general health may enhance the positive impact of EI on academic performance. Conclusion: The study recommends that EI training be embedded within nursing curricula, adopting an interdisciplinary approach to encourage the development of emotional competencies across college communities. It further suggests that educational institutions actively promote the cultivation of emotional skills such as emotional regulation and application through various academic activities, seminars, and workshops. This approach could substantially improve the quality of nursing education and enhance the competence of future nursing professionals.
Academic Performance, Emotional Intelligence, Nursing StudentDownloads
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