Effect of Implementing Childbirth Preparation Classes on Women's Self-efficacy and Pregnancy Outcomes


  • Nancy K. Youssef Faculty of Nursing, Sohage University, Sohag Governorate 1646130, Egypt
  • Manal F. Mostafa Faculty of Nursing, Badr University in Cairo, 11829, Egypt
  • Walaa H. Ibrahim Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University, 71515 Assiut Governorate, Egypt




Background: Giving birth is a major event in life that many women undergo and have long-term effects. Childbirth classes are one of the most effective ways to assist women with increasing their self-efficacy and managing their pain levels during labour. Objective: To assess and ascertain how women's self-efficacy and pregnancy outcomes are affected by the implementation of childbirth preparation classes. Methods: A quasi-experimental research design was used. This study was conducted at the University Hospital of the Sohag Governorate's prenatal clinics. The study included 100 convenient primigravida pregnant who were split into two equal groups (intervention) who received child preparation classes and control (who received routine clinic care). A structured interview questionnaire, the Childbirth Self-Efficacy Inventory, and pregnancy outcome tools were used. Results: The study showed that at a p-value <0.01, there were significant statistical differences between the study and control groups' overall childbearing self-efficacy during the first and second stages of labour. Conclusion: Primigravida women attending the class demonstrated higher levels of self-efficacy in managing labour pain compared to those not attending childbirth classes. Recommendation: Birth preparation classes must be encouraged at every antenatal clinic and hospital because they significantly increase women's confidence in managing and reducing labour pain and enhance the outcomes of the childbirth process.


Pregnancy Outcomes, Prenatal Classes, Women Self-Efficacy


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How to Cite

Youssef, N. K. ., Mostafa, M. F. ., & Ibrahim, W. H. . (2025). Effect of Implementing Childbirth Preparation Classes on Women’s Self-efficacy and Pregnancy Outcomes. The Malaysian Journal of Nursing (MJN), 16(3), 98-108. https://doi.org/10.31674/mjn.2025.v16i03.010
