Perceptions and Satisfaction in Intrapartum Care among Obese and Non-Obese Women
Background: Obesity is a major global health issue that negatively impacts pregnancy and childbirth. Maternal obesity is linked to various antenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum complications. Ensuring quality care is essential for safe outcomes for both mother and child. Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted among a total of 250 mothers, with 112 being non-obese and 138 being obese. These mothers gave birth in eight governmental hospitals. The study aimed to explore the factors that affect the experiences and satisfaction levels of obese and non-obese women during intrapartum care. Results: All non-obese women (100%) and 99.3% of obese women reported positive experiences regarding their capacity during childbirth. Most women in both weight groups felt well-supported and safe. However, both groups reported 100% negative experiences in the participation domain. Satisfaction with physical facilities was low, with 42.9% of non-obese and 38.4% of obese women satisfied. Both groups showed 100% dissatisfaction with the provision of consumables. Pain management methods were satisfactory for 63.4% of non-obese and 60.9% of obese women. Communication patterns had the lowest satisfaction rates among all participants. Conclusion: The study's findings underscore the critical need for improvements in various dimensions of intrapartum care. The significant dissatisfaction with participation, physical conditions, and communication strategies among both obese and non-obese women highlights the urgent areas for enhancement in maternity care facilities. This research is a crucial step towards improving the quality of care and ensuring safe outcomes for both mother and child.
Childbirth Experience, Intrapartum Care, Obesity, Satisfaction with Intrapartum Care, Weight BiasDownloads
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