Analysing the Concept of Self-Efficacy in Mothers of Children Aged 0-24 Months, Undergoing Nutritional Care Practices
Background: Children aged 0-24 months have several risk factors for experiencing nutritional problems, including rapid growth and development of children, high dietary needs, an immature digestive system, and being very dependent on others, especially mothers. Mothers with children aged 0-24 months have different perceptions of risk factors, so they also have different perceptions of actions to fulfil nutritional intake for children aged 0-24 months. This causes mothers' self-confidence in their ability to fulfil nutritional intake for children aged 0–24 months to be different. This condition will result in inadequate dietary intake, namely an imbalance between nutritional needs and intake provided by parents, especially mothers, which can lead to dietary problems such as malnutrition, stunting, and even malnutrition, which have an impact on inhibiting the growth and development of children. Therefore, it is necessary to build the ability of mothers who have children aged 0-24 months to provide adequate nutrition for children aged 0-24, namely self-efficacy. Objective: The purpose of this study is to explain the concept of self-efficacy of mothers who have children aged 0-24 months in fulfilling adequate nutritional intake. Methods: Used in this concept analysis is the Walker and Avant concept approach with eight steps, namely 1) choosing a concept, 2) determining the purpose of the analysis, 3) identifying all uses of the concept, 4) identifying attribute definitions, 5) identifying case models, 6) identifying borderline, related, conflicting, false and invalid cases, 7) recognising antecedents and consequences, and 8) determining empirical references. Results: Five definitions of self-efficacy attributes include self-confidence, maternal beliefs to fulfil nutritional intake in children aged 0-24 months, resilience, commitment and motivation, and the ability to prevent risk factors that cause nutritional problems. The antecedents of the concept of self-efficacy of mothers who have children aged 0-24 months are sociodemographics (mother’s education), experience, verbal persuasion, physical and emotional conditions, and performance achievements. The consequences of increasing self-efficacy in improving maternal behaviour are providing adequate nutritional intake and increasing weight and height or optimising the nutritional status of children. Conclusion: The process of analysing the concept of self-efficacy with a conceptual approach produces important components at the attribute, antecedent, and consequence stages. Nurses need to understand this when developing promotive and preventive interventions through practice, research, and community service, especially for mothers who have children aged 0-24 months based on the evidence base, particularly nursing interventions related to self-efficacy.
Children of 0-24 Months, Nutritional Fulfillment Practice, Self-EfficacyDownloads
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