Exploring Knowledge, Attitude, and Learning Experiences of Nursing Students towards Sustainable Patient Safety Following Online Nursing Education: A Mixed Method of Study
Background: Nursing students find it challenging to manage patient safety when attending online classes, both theoretical and practical, for extended periods. Objective: To assess and explore nursing students’ knowledge, attitude, and learning experiences toward sustainable patient safety following online education. Methods: A mixed-method study among 3rd and 4th year level nursing students following online education. In the first phase of the quantitative study, 383 students participated using a self-reported questionnaire, while in the second phase, 20 focused groups of students participated using the purposive sampling technique. Results: In the first phase, most of the participants, 151 (39.43%), were in their 3rd year of B.Sc. nursing. Of these, 250 (65.27%) attended more than 6 months of online classes using smartphones, 374 (97.65%). The participants encountered issues with educational storage in 229 cases (59.79%) and internet connectivity in 183 cases (47.78%). According to their learning experiences, most of them—196 (51.17%) and 187 (48.83%)—had attended scenario-based and simulation-based practical classes, among which 238 (62.14%) students shared theoretical confidence but 294 (76.76%) lacked clinical confidence. In terms of knowledge and attitude, 228 (59.53%) students demonstrated strong knowledge, with a mean, median, and SD of 27.09, 17.51, 06.64, while 173 (45.17%) students demonstrated a positive attitude, with a mean, median, and SD of 131.97, 117.19, and 13.37, respectively. In the second phase, a maximum of 16 (80%) students expressed a lack of confidence in the management of patient safety. Conclusion: The study showed that it is important to maintain patient safety is a healthcare discipline. In this study, nursing students demonstrated strong theoretical knowledge and a positive attitude, but they lacked clinical confidence.
Attitude, Knowledge, Learning Experience, Online Nursing Education, Patient SafetyDownloads
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