Enhancing Teamwork Through Effective Handover Practices Among Nurses in Elder Care Setting
Introduction: This study aims to investigate how effective handover practices among nurses contribute to enhancing teamwork within elder care settings. It will explore the impact of clear communication, structured handover processes, and collaboration among nursing teams during handovers on various aspects of teamwork, including coordination, information sharing, and mutual support. Methods: A qualitative, descriptive study employed semi-structured interviews with nurses and other healthcare professionals involved in handover processes. Participants included nurses and various healthcare professionals. Thematic analysis, guided framework, was utilized to examine handover practices and their impact on patient care. Responses were meticulously coded manually to identify recurring themes and subthemes. Results: The study identified three key themes in healthcare handover practices: the importance of objective and clear documentation, including essential information for continuity of care, and the role of effective documentation in promoting understanding and accountability among healthcare professionals. These practices enhance communication, teamwork, and accountability, leading to improved patient outcomes. Effective communication involves aspects such as frequency, timeliness, accuracy, problem-solving, shared knowledge, goals, and mutual respect among team members, fostering a culture of teamwork and accountability that benefits both staff and patients. Conclusion: Achieving optimal teamwork in professional hierarchies requires insights and experiences on handover implementation from an interprofessional perspective. This collaborative approach involves professionals working together to provide comprehensive patient care. Interprofessional collaboration encourages effective communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making among team members, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes.
Clinical Hand Over, Effective Teamwork, Healthcare, Nursing PracticeDownloads
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