Enhancing Cultural Awareness: A Qualitative Exploration of Nurses' Perspectives on Application of Cultural Competence in Elder Care
Introduction: Cultural competence and awareness are indispensable in contemporary healthcare, particularly in our diverse and multicultural society. Understanding the influence of culture on individuals' values, beliefs, preferences, and behaviours is crucial for providing culturally sensitive care. Objective: This qualitative study aims to explore the significance of enhanced intercultural communication skills in healthcare professions, particularly those involving interactions across diverse cultural backgrounds, with a specific focus on aged care. Methods: Thirteen narrative interviews were conducted with newly graduated nurses employed in private healthcare settings, using semi-structured interview techniques. Qualitative thematic analysis was employed to analyse the collected data. Results: The overarching themes highlight the crucial role of cultural competence and awareness in translating theoretical knowledge into practical application. Key factors such as effective communication, building rapport, and respecting language preferences are emphasized. Consistent interactions are essential for establishing trust and delivering individualized care to diverse cultural backgrounds. Understanding the cultural influences on health beliefs and behaviours is paramount for tailoring care plans effectively. The study also addresses challenges faced by newly graduated nurses, especially in caring for older adults and engaging with culturally diverse family caregivers, with a focus on language and communication barriers. Despite these obstacles, nurses exhibit adaptability by leveraging skills and tools such as smartphone apps, while embracing a person-centered approach that involves family members. Conclusion: This study highlights the crucial role of cultural awareness in healthcare to enhance nurses' cultural competence and elevate patient care standards. It advocates for the integration of cultural considerations into nursing education, specifically addressing the needs of indigenous communities.
Cultural Awareness, Culture Competence, Elder Care, Newly Graduate NursesDownloads
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