Comparative Analysis of Work-Life of Nurses in Private and Public Hospitals in Makurdi, Nigeria
Introduction: This study focused on the comparative analysis of the work life of nurses in private and public hospitals in Makurdi metropolis. The study's significance lies in the information generated about the differences in work life and conditions of service for nurses between private and public hospitals, with a particular reference to Makurdi, Nigeria.
Methods: Data was collected using a cross-sectional descriptive survey design and a simple random sampling approach from a total of 69 nurses. The structured questionnaire was employed as a tool for data collection. Results: Participants were 3 (4.3%) males and 65 (94.2%) females. Their mean age was 41.09 years (std. deviation = 9.65). The results showed that nurses' work experience in private and public hospitals in Makurdi municipality is similar in terms of their work life and workload. Conclusion: The condition of services for nurses in public hospitals, as represented by their remuneration, is superior to that of nurses in the private sector. Public hospital nurses have better job motivation and job performance than their colleagues in private hospitals, but not job satisfaction. One such factor that requires policy intervention is the disparity in competence, workload, and working conditions between nurses in public hospitals and those in the public. It was concluded that nurses in public hospitals differ from their counterparts in some salient variables. Recommendation: The management of private hospitals should enhance the service conditions for their nurses to match those of their public hospital counterparts.
Comparative Analysis, Nurses, Work Life, WorkloadDownloads
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