Cultural Adaptation Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS) in Indonesian Community




Background: Korean culture is popular everywhere, it is called Korean wave. Korean wave include food,fashion,beauty, drama, music and films. It creates an admiration to celebrity and its is called celebrity worship. Celebrity worship has some effect to adolescent development process, such as obsessive and compulsive behaviour. Objective: Transalate the celebrity attitude scale into Indonesian and use a cultural perspective to demonstrate the validity and reliability of the results. Methods: Respondent-driven sampling was the method employed for this study’s sampling. There were 207 individuals in the sample. The cultural method translated instruments into Indonesian using cross-cultural norms. Three content specialists and two linguistic experts participated in the cross-cultural process. The reach model’s validity and reliability were examined. Results: The study showed some information was altered. Certain words were inappropriate given Indonesia’s culture. The content validity index (I-CVI) (0.67 - 1.00), S-CVI/AU 0.85, S-CVI/Ave 0.95.  Based on the Rasch model found reliability in person was 0.92, reliability in item was 0.99, and alpha Cronbach was 0.93. Conclusion: The study found that CAS is able to be used for Indonesian communities and it is able to measure well to identify celebrity worship in adolescents.


Adolescent, Celebrity Attitude Scale, Celebrity Worship, Rasch Model


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How to Cite

Wulansari, N. M. A., Iskandar, S., Widianti, E. ., & Prasetya, N. W. (2025). Cultural Adaptation Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS) in Indonesian Community. The Malaysian Journal of Nursing (MJN), 16(3), 224-232.
