Oncology Nurses' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Factors in Cancer Pain – A Systematic Review
Background: This systematic study thoroughly examines the detailed knowledge, attitudes, and complex aspects influencing oncology nurses' cancer pain treatment. This study aims to investigate the challenges and potential avenues confronted by oncology nurses specializing in cancer pain treatment; a thorough exploration of diverse scholarly resources was undertaken. Methods: The inquiry encompassed an exhaustive literature review from prominent databases, including Web of Science, SCI, Scopus, Science Direct, and ProQuest. Employing an ethical and systematic methodology, a comprehensive examination was conducted into a broad spectrum of studies encompassing the understanding, attitudes, and variables related to addressing pain in cancer patients among oncology nurses. Results: The evaluation focused on improving oncology nurses' knowledge and attitudes towards cancer pain management. Nurses' knowledge levels were assessed, revealing a wide range from 5.13% to 84%. Doctors demonstrated superior knowledge and attitudes compared to nurses. Nurses showed a mean score of 20.08 out of 39 (51.5%) in pain management, while doctors scored 24.3 out of 39 (62.3%). The study emphasizes the need for tailored educational interventions to address knowledge gaps and improve cancer pain management practices among nurses. Conclusion: This systematic analysis underscores the need for accurate cancer pain treatments, highlighting gaps in oncology nurses' knowledge and the need for tailored educational programs.
Assessment Tools, Attitudes, Clinical Recommendations, Competency Evaluations, Cultural Influences, Knowledge, Oncology, Pain Management, Systematic ReviewDownloads
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