Effect of Health Educational Package on Reducing Postpartum Discomforts
Background: One of the most important maternal health care services to prevent impairment and incapacity after childbirth is postnatal care. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of health educational packages on reducing postpartum discomforts. Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental pre- and post-test one-group design. A convenient sample of a total of 110 postpartum mothers were attending the postpartum ward at Sohag University Hospital. Three tools were used to collect the data: a structured interviewing schedule, a pre- and post-test on maternal knowledge regarding minor discomforts, and a follow-up tool for postpartum minor discomforts. Results: The postpartum women's mean age was 22.97±2.856 years. The study revealed that 86.4% of postpartum women were housewives, 72.7% lived in rural areas, and 43.6% had completed secondary education. Sixty-six-point four percent of the postpartum women stated that prior to receiving health education, they had an unsatisfactory level of knowledge regarding postpartum minor discomforts. After the teaching, only 0.9% of postpartum women were unaware of these minor discomforts. Conclusion: The health education package improved the women's knowledge of postpartum discomforts. There was also partial relief from afterpain, episiotomy pain, breast engorgement, constipation, and urinary retention. Recommendations: Before discharge from the hospital, postpartum primiparous mothers should receive health education materials that clearly and comprehensively explain postpartum minor discomforts.
Discomforts, Health Educational Package, PostpartumDownloads
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