The Relationship between Paediatric Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice about Atraumatic Care of Hospitalized Children in Indonesia
Background: The main stressors of the hospitalised children's are separation from family, loss of control, pain, and the unfamiliar hospital environment. Atraumatic care is therapeutic care provided through interventions that eliminate or reduce the psychological and physical distress experienced by children and families. Objective: The objective of this study was to describe the Indonesian nurses' knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding atraumatic care for hospitalised children and to identify the factors affecting the nurses’ practice of atraumatic care. Methods: This descriptive correlation study was held in a regional general hospital. Totally, 70 of 44 nurses in paediatric wards and 26 nurses in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit PICU completed a 20-question multiple-choice scale of knowledge about atraumatic care and a 30-item scale of attitude towards atraumatic care. The behaviours were observed using a 25-item Nurses' Practice Scale for Atraumatic Care. Results: Compared to their colleagues in other units, the nurses in the PICU (12.65±2.79) had the best knowledge, and the nurses in the paediatric wards had the best attitude (98.19±9.76) and practice (63.09±10.64) toward providing atraumatic care. Hierarchical linear regression revealed that nurses who were working in the paediatric wards (B = 7.826, SE = 3.254, p = 0.019) and females (B = 9.814, SE = 3.481, = 0.006) had better knowledge (B = 1.068, SE = 0.622, p = 0.010) and attitude (B = 0.237, SE = 0.139, p = 0.029) and significantly better practice scores in providing atraumatic care than those who were working in the PICU and male. Conclusion: Trainings regarding the provision of atraumatic care for hospitalised children should be developed for the nurses to improve their knowledge and attitude so they can provide optimal care to minimise the impact of hospitalisation on children.
Attitude to Health, Knowledge, Nurse, Paediatric, Professional PracticeDownloads
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