Parents’ Participation in Atraumatic Care During Children Hospitalization: Systematic Review
Introduction: Atraumatic care for children undergoing hospitalization requires parental participation. Parental participation is an important aspect of atraumatic care for hospitalized children. Parental participation is expected to reduce child pain and anxiety. Aim: This study aimed to describe the participation of parents in atraumatic care while the child is hospitalized. Methods: The methodology used in this study was a systematic review, which began with topic selection and entails searching several databases, including Proquest, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Ebscohost, CINAHL, Scopus, and Google Scholar, by entering keywords "parents’ participation" AND "atraumatic care" AND "hospitalized children." Articles were reviewed from 2019 to 2023. Protocol and evaluation of the literature review using the PRISMA checklist. Results: All databases provided 263 articles published in the years 2019–2023. There were forty articles left after duplicates were removed and inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. Ten articles were left for quality assessment after the full-text review, and all of them scored higher than seven parental participations in atraumatic care while the child is hospitalized based on the results of the review of the articles above, including emotional support, distraction techniques, comfort measures, communication and education, advocacy, collaboration with the healthcare team, participating in care routines, and providing post-procedure comfort. Conclusion: Parental participation in atraumatic care while the child is hospitalized includes emotional support, distraction techniques, comfort measures, communication and education, advocacy, collaboration with the healthcare team, participating in care routines, and providing post-procedure comfort. This literature review provides a viewpoint for thinking about how to enhance the way that parents are currently being prepared to participate in the traumatic care of their children during hospitalization. Further research is expected to be able to develop research on specific interventions related to each form of parental participation in childcare during hospitalization.
Parents’ Participation, Atraumatic Care, Children HospitalizationDownloads
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