Assessing Patient Safety Culture among Hospital Nurses in Mosul: A Comprehensive Survey
Background: Patient safety culture stems from the collective and individual values, attitudes, perceptions, skills, and behaviors that shape health providers' commitment, approach, and effectiveness in managing safety. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the patient safety culture among nurses in various healthcare settings, examining demographic characteristics and perceptions across domains including teamwork, leadership, communication, reporting, and hospital management. Methods: A comprehensive cross-sectional survey was meticulously conducted with 130 nurses from different hospitals. The participants provided detailed demographic information, and their responses to a Patient Safety Culture Survey, which covered five domains: unit/Work Area, Supervisor/Manager/Clinical Leader, Communication, Reporting Patient Safety Events, and Hospital Management, were thoroughly analysed. Results: The study revealed several key findings that can improve patient safety culture. Notably, at the same time, people generally hold positive views about how healthy teams work together; they express concerns about not having enough staff and relying too much on temporary workers. There are also concerns about mistreatment. The Leaders' approach to managing and communicating indicates a need to carefully balance efficiency with patient safety. The culture of reporting problems is somewhat inclined, with people reporting issues at varying frequency levels. When it comes to how well the hospital is run, people have mixed feelings about the management's commitment, the resources provided, and the coordination among different parts of the hospital. Conclusion: The findings of this study, with their profound implications for the fields of patient safety and healthcare management, not only highlight the intricate dynamics within healthcare units but also identify specific areas where targeted interventions can significantly improve the patient safety culture. The critical steps to creating safer healthcare environments, including addressing staffing challenges, nurturing supportive leadership, enhancing communication, and promoting a strong reporting culture, present a roadmap for positive change. The potential for improvement in the patient safety culture is not only a possibility but a tangible goal that can be achieved with the right interventions and strategies. This potential for improvement should inspire healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers to take action and work towards a safer healthcare environment.
Communication, Healthcare, Hospital Management, Healthcare Settings, Leadership, Nursing, Patient Safety Culture, Reporting, Survey, TeamworkDownloads
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