Types of Empowerments on Improving Hypertension among Elderly: A Systematic Review
Introduction: Hypertension is a cardiovascular disease, often referred to as the silent killer disease, that mostly affects the elderly. Changes in body condition and unhealthy lifestyles cause hypertension in the elderly. Hypertension is basically a cause of high mortality and impacts expensive care for the elderly. The caregiver's lack of ability is one of the triggers for the severity of hypertension. The caregiver plays a crucial role in helping elderly people with hypertension become independent. Research on the empowerment of caregivers of elderly hypertensives is very diverse, but research on the most effective empowerment for caregivers is limited. Objective: This study aims to investigate the type of empowerment that improves hypertension in the elderly. Methods: The online databases include Science Direct, ProQuest, PubMed, Sage, Ebscohost, and Google Scholar. Articles were reviewed from 2018 to 2022. Protocol and evaluation of literature review using the PRISMA checklist and the Joanna Briggs Institute Guidelines. Results: A total of 15 articles define the types of empowerments, comprising 6 types of such as family empowerment (4 articles), social support (4 articles), adaptation (2 articles), education (3 articles), dyadic partnership (1 article), and multidisciplinary (1 article). The development of a caregiver empowerment model is expected to increase the ability to care for the elderly and have an impact on the self-management of hypertension. Conclusions: Empowering caregivers for elderly people with hypertension is an important step in ensuring that elderly people receive optimal care and are able to better manage their hypertension condition. The most common were family empowerment and social support.
Empowerment, Elderly, HypertensionDownloads
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