Sample Size Calculations in Nursing Student Mobile Application Research: A Systematic Review
Background: Research must certainly have subjects or samples that will be used in the research, including research on mobile phone applications. Research using mobile applications has begun to be widely carried out, so this phenomenon needs to be analysed as to what is ideal among researchers in determining the number of samples used in the research. Objective: This systematic review aims to analyse the sample size and calculation technique used by previous researchers to research mobile phone applications involving nursing students as research samples. Methods: This systematic review took electronic database sources through journal search engines, such as Google Scholar, Pro-Quest, PUBMED, and Science Direct. The criteria for the journals taken were open-access journals published within the last five years (2018–2023). The journal search used the keywords “mobile phone application” and “nursing students." Results: A total of six journals had eligibility out of the 18 journals assessed, showing that the largest number of samples used by previous researchers was 256, while the minimum was 25. Conclusion: Whether large or small, the number of samples used in implementing mobile applications among nursing students does not follow existing trends but must be calculated according to a representative portion of the subject population to be studied.
Sample Size Calculations, Mobile Applications, Nursing StudentsDownloads
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