Motivational Interviewing with Progressive Muscle Relaxation for Anxiety Disorders in Tuberculosis
Background: Individuals with Tuberculosis (TB) may experience anxiety due to the disease's uncertain treatment, prognosis, and subsequent social judgment. It may affect the patient's motivation to engage in the treatment, boosting its effectiveness and reducing tuberculosis transmission. Interventions are required to help people alleviate their anxiety about tuberculosis. Objective: The primary objective of this study is to investigate how motivational interviewing and progressive muscle relaxation impact anxiety levels among individuals with tuberculosis. Methods: The study employed a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design. Participants were chosen through convenience sampling based on specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of 60 clients participated, with 30 assigned to the intervention groups and 30 to the control groups. This study used the Zung Anxiety Self-Assessment instrument. An analysis of differences in anxiety used Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney. Results: In the pre-test, the majority of participants had mild anxiety levels; 70% (49.30 ± 8.526) in the intervention groups and 63.3% (45.43± 8.423) in the control groups. In the post-test, there has been a decrease in anxiety levels in the intervention group at 93.3% (30.90 ± 7.572), but anxiety levels remained the same in the control group of 66.7% (43.97±7.346). According to the statistical analysis, the intervention group achieved a p-value of 0.000, indicating a substantial variance in anxiety levels before and after the intervention. In contrast, the control group recorded a p-value of 0.785, suggesting that there was no significant alteration in anxiety levels before and after the intervention. Conclusion: Progressive muscle relaxation can alleviate tension, and motivational interviewing can boost motivation and help clients deal with anxiety triggers. Both interventions can be considered as extra treatments for tuberculosis patients who experience anxiety.
Anxiety, Motivational Interviewing, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, TuberculosisDownloads
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