Uncovering the Multifaceted Influences on Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Incidence in Public Health Centre, Indonesia
Background: Type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is an emergency disease that often occurs. Lack of knowledge, poor management of self-care, and stress are different factors that promote an increase in blood sugar levels. The objective of this study is to determine the contributing factors between self-care, knowledge, and stress related to the incidence of T2DM in the Public Health Center, Indonesia. Methods: This research used a correlational design with a cross-sectional approach during the period of July 3rd–August 3rd, 2023. Samples were chosen from 92 respondents with G Power correlation test. The research was conducted at the Public Health Center in Kediri City, Indonesia. The technique used in sample selection was purposive sampling based on inclusion criteria, namely T2DM patients aged 36–65 years, able to read and write, and willing to be the respondents in this study. The instruments used are three factorials developed by researchers, which include self-care, knowledge, and stress. The content validity index of the research instrument was validated and assessed by five experts. Bivariate analysis of the Spearman statistical test. Results: The statistical test shows a significant value for all of the variables, with P-value = 0.000 and Rho = 0.631 for self-care management, P-value = 0.012 and Rho = 0.305 for knowledge, and P-value = 0.023 and Rho = 0.187 for stress factor. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that self-care management, knowledge, and stress have significantly affected the incidence of T2DM.
Hypoglycemia, Multifaceted Influences, Type-2 Diabetes MellitusDownloads
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