Nurses' Challenges Regarding Adolescent Behavior in Preventing Early Pregnancy
Background: Early adolescent pregnancy remains a persistent and unresolved phenomenon worldwide. The World Health Organization reports that 16 million girls aged 15-19 give birth annually. Indonesia continues to grapple with high rates of young pregnancy. The consequences of early pregnancy are extensive, ranging from abortion, school dropout, early marriage, and divorce to psychological distress such as stress and depression. Aim: This research contributes to understanding adolescent behaviors aimed at preventing early pregnancy. Methods: Employing a quantitative research design with a descriptive approach, the study sampled 225 female students through simple random sampling. A validated questionnaire was utilized for data collection, and analysis was conducted using SPSS 21 software. Results: The findings reveal that most respondents demonstrated commendable behaviors in preventing early pregnancy, with 193 individuals (85.8%) exhibiting good prevention practices. Nevertheless, some respondents displayed moderately positive behaviors, while others exhibited unsatisfactory practices. Conclusion: To address the behavior of adolescent females and its impact, community health nurses should intervene promptly. This intervention should focus on educating and coaching adolescents to raise awareness and promote effective prevention strategies, with the goal of reducing the prevalence of early pregnancy.
Adolescents, Behaviour, Pregnancy PreventionDownloads
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