Voices of Women Public Healthcare Workers amidst the Armed Conflict in Southern Philippines
Background: Healthcare workers face hazards and risks that are inherent in their job. However, the most tragic and perilous encounter for these professionals in the Southern Philippines occurred when Maute-ISIS insurgents took over the Islamic City of Marawi in the Province of Lanao del Sur. Methods: This study delves into the experiences of women public healthcare workers at the time of human-induced conflict using a qualitative phenomenological research design. Results: Data revealed that they experienced fear, anxiety, flashbacks, and trauma, though they were accustomed to hearing gunshots, as claimed. Furthermore, they have exhausted all means to survive, helped one another, and served their constituents despite being in a terrible situation. Conclusion: Disturbances can be seen on the physical, emotional, and mental levels as typical reactions to an unwelcome and terrifying situation. Camaraderie among Muslims and Christians became evident in times of trouble, such as the armed conflict. In addition, the respondents demonstrated their zeal to serve, notwithstanding the perilous situation. Setting up institutional policies on disaster preparedness for human-induced crises is beneficial for sound crisis management.
Conflict, Hazards, Healthcare WorkersDownloads
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