Differences in the Effectiveness of Pelvic Rocking and Rebozo Movements in the Lowering of the Fetal Head during First Stage of Maternity at the Clinic in Kwala Bekala Village
Background: The natural process of delivering or expelling the fetus and placenta is a spontaneous and physiological event. Despite the inherent pain experienced by the mother and the extended duration of complete opening, some opt for alternative interventions, such as cesarean sections. Additionally, pharmacological drugs may be administered to facilitate the timely expulsion of the fetus and placenta. Aim: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of pelvic rocking and rebozo movements in lowering the fetal head in women in the first stage of labor. Methods: This study used a quantitative analytic method with a quasi-experimental research design with a two-group comparison of pretest-posttest design. Results: The results of the study showed that before and after the pelvic rocking movement was carried out, the asymptote sig value was obtained. The 2-tailed was found to be 0.000 less than the alpha level of 5% (0.05), so it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in decreasing the fetal head. An asymptote sig value was found for the rebozo movement. The fetal head's descent varied significantly before and after the rebozo movement, as shown by the 2-tailed statistic's finding that it was 0.003 less than the 5% alpha threshold (0.05). Conclusion: The conclusion of this study was that the significance value of pelvic rocking was 0.000, which was smaller than the rebozo significance value of 0.003, which means that the pelvic rocking group was more effective in decreasing the fetal head compared to the rebozo group. So, it is very useful if the pelvic rocking movement service is carried out when passing through the first stage of labour.
First Stage of Labor, Pelvic Rocking, RebozoDownloads
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