A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study on Quality of Life and Work Productivity among Women with Skin Disease
Background: The most visible organ of a human being is considered to be the skin. The effects of visible skin disorders on quality of life (QoL) and productivity at work go far beyond their clinical manifestations, especially among women. The objective of this research is to evaluate the quality of life and work productivity of women with skin conditions who attend public hospitals. Methods: A Cross-sectional study was carried out from March 2023 to May 2023 at the dermatology clinics of Kuala Lumpur Hospital and Selayang Hospital. With 404 respondents, the researcher used a proportionate and random sampling technique. The Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) and Work Productivity and Activity Impairment - General Health (WPAI- GH) scales were included in the self-administered questionnaire. The data in this study were analyzed using Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 28. Results: Eczema was frequently diagnosed in the respondents (42.1%) aged 18– 30 (53.7%) followed by acne vulgaris (30.9%) and psoriasis (27%). Patients with eczema had the most significant effect on the DLQI score (35.9%). The outcome for WPAI-GH observed psoriasis patients showed the highest absenteeism (M=8.6, SD=15.4). There was no significant difference between types of skin diseases with WPAI-GH subscales (p>0.05). Activity impairment was significantly associated with the DLQI score (p<0.05). Conclusion: These results demonstrated the need for dermatologists and nurses to develop comprehensive care approaches that address the multidimensional impact of skin diseases on patients to improve their quality of life and productivity at work by putting into practice strategies to overcome the issues. Since the nurses are at the forefront of patient care, they possess the expertise to recognize how skin diseases may influence patients' daily functioning and professional productivity; thus, specific strategies can be planned, which will improve the patient's overall health outcomes.
Acne Vulgaris, Eczema, Psoriasis, Quality of Life (QoL), Skin Disease, Women, Work ProductivityDownloads
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