Building Nurse Competency Strategy at Public Health Center in Indonesia: A Descriptive Qualitative Approach
Background: Nurses play a crucial role in providing quality healthcare services to the community, particularly in public health centers in Indonesia. This study aims to explore the building of nurse competency strategies in the public health setting. Methods: A qualitative research design with a descriptive approach was utilized. Data collection techniques through interviews. The informants consisted of fifteen people, with key informants in the primary setting, and were analyzed using a descriptive-qualitative approach with content analysis techniques. Results: The study results showed that two categories have arisen: the spiritual approach and the technological approach. The research findings on developing the competency of nurses in health services can be realized through education and training based on spiritual and technological aspects of building the competency of nurses. Improving nurse competence can be done through spiritual and technology-based education and training. Conclusion: By implementing the proposed strategies, it is hoped that nurses will be better equipped to provide high-quality care to the community, ultimately improving health outcomes and well-being. The implementation of public health nurses cannot be separated from the role of nurses in a public health center. Community health nurses in a public health center have at least six roles and functions, namely, as nursing case finders, health educators, coordinators and collaborators, counselors, and role models.
Clinical Competence, Documentation, Humans, Leadership, Morals, Public HealthDownloads
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