Emotional Freedom Techniques and Oxytocin Stimulation Massages that Effectively Reduce Anxiety and Increase Smooth Breast Milk Production of Nursing Mothers
Introduction: Maternal anxiety is potentially increased by postpartum psychological changes and the perceived inability to breastfeed effectively. The increase in adrenaline levels could further reduce the resistance and trust of mothers, inhibiting oxytocin and the ability of prolactin to secrete and create milk. Objectives: Therefore, this research aimed to determine the effectiveness of Oxytocin Stimulation Massage (OSM) and Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT) in reducing anxiety and increasing smooth breast milk production. Methods: The quantitative method was used with a control group to assess the effects of intervention and investigate the relationship between anxiety and the smooth breast milk production of nursing mothers in Public Health Centers, Tasikmalaya. Results: The results showed a difference in average anxiety scores of the nursing mothers before and after the therapy. The intervention group had a lower score of 1.19 compared to the control group, r = 0.432 (r > 0.05). Furthermore, there was a difference in the average smooth breast milk production before and after the therapy, with the intervention group having a lower score of 8.3 compared to the control group of r = 0.129 (r> 0.05). This research showed that the intervention group had a negative and weak correlation between anxiety and smooth breast milk production after the therapy, with a Pearson correlation of -0.037, R-count, and R-count < R-table at a significance value of 0.854. Finally, EFT was effectively applied to reduce the anxiety of nursing mothers (Cohen's D value = 1.76) and increase smooth breast milk production (Cohen's D value = 1.51). Conclusion: The study highlights the effectiveness of Oxytocin Stimulation Massage (OSM) and Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT) in reducing maternal anxiety and enhancing smooth breast milk production. Although the correlation between anxiety reduction and milk production was weak, EFT notably reduced anxiety and improved lactation. These therapies show promises for supporting postpartum mothers and could be further developed into accessible, therapeutic applications for maternal care.
Anxiety, EFT, Milk Production, OSMDownloads
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