Influence of Nursing Factors on the Quality of Nursing Diagnosis, Intervention and Outcome on Orthopedic Patients in Indonesia: Cross Sectional Study
Background: Increasing the number of orthopedic disorders will also increase the number of treatments for orthopedic patients in hospitals. However, there are no studies that specifically identify the impact of nurses’ factors on the quality of orthopedic care. Objective: to identify the impact of nurses' factors on the quality of nursing diagnosis, intervention, and outcome in orthopedic patients. Methods: A cross-sectional design with consecutive sampling techniques was conducted in this study. collecting data at the West Java Province Hospital in Indonesia from July to September 2022. Statistical analysis used the chi-square test; significance was p < 0.05. Results: A total of 236 nurses were recruited. 145 participants (61.4%) were female. 133 (56.4%) had a diploma level of education, and 143 participants (60.6%) had good competence. The knowledge of participants was both enough and less, with 99 (41.9%) and 98 (41.5%), respectively. 180 participants (76.3%) demonstrated good skills. The quality of the orthopedic nursing process for nursing diagnosis (97.4%), nursing intervention (96.1%), and nursing outcome (97.0%) were good. In addition, nursing variables impacted the quality of nursing outcomes in orthopedic patients in relation to age (p<0.05). Conclusion: The quality of the orthopedic nursing process for nursing diagnosis, nursing intervention, and nursing outcome was good. In addition, nursing parameters such as age had a substantial effect on the quality of nursing outcomes in orthopedic patients. Recommendation: This research suggests that the focus should be on nurse factors including education, knowledge, skills, and competence in order to achieve quality nursing and to carry out nursing diagnosis, nursing intervention, and nursing outcome.
Nurses, Orthopedic, Patients, Quality Nursing CareDownloads
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