The Relationship of Knowledge and Attitude for the Prevention of Leucorrhoea in Adolescent Women
Introduction: Leucorrhoea is a discharge from the genitalia that is not blood but a clinical manifestation of various infections, malignancies, or benign tumors of the reproductive organs. Leucorrhoea is still considered not a serious thing for adolescents, therefore, in maintaining the cleanliness of the genital organs, it is still not good. Taking care of the external genitalia that is not good can make vaginal discharge occur, such as maintaining cleanliness, washing the vulva every day and keeping it dry to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi. If this problem is not taken seriously, it will have a negative impact in the future. To determine the relationship between knowledge and attitude to prevent leucorrhoea in adolescent girls at Al Muhadjirin 2 Senior High School Bekasi. Methods: This research is quantitative research with a cross sectional design. The sample in this study were students of class X, XI, XII as many as 130, using total sampling. The instrument used an instrument of demographic data, knowledge, attitude, and prevention of leucorrhoea that has been tested for validity and reliability by previous researchers. Results: The results of the study used the chi-square statistical method, which showed that there was a relationship between prevention of leucorrhoea and knowledge and attitudes in adolescent girls with p value = 0.000 <0.05, with an average age of 16 to 19 years, have more knowledge about leucorrhoea and have a good attitude toward preventing leucorrhoea. Conclusion: Knowledge and attitudes are significantly related to the prevention of leucorrhoea in adolescent girls. It is hoped that health workers can cooperate with schools in providing information to students about reproductive health, especially the problem of leucorrhoea.
Knowledge of Leucorrhoea, Attitude, Prevention of LeucorrhoeaDownloads
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